I drew Spidey here on a Kubert School blank sketch cover. I’ve been grabbing up a lot of these blank covers lately. They’re a great idea. The Kubert School Art Store offers these books of blank Strathmore paper. They’re blank on the inside as well as on the front cover and they’re very suitable for marker sketches like Spidey here. Fans can pick up a book with one of my originals and then fill up the rest of the book with other commissions from me, other artists, or even their own work! I’ve been drawing a few different characters on the front covers of a few of the copies that I’ve picked up. I’ll be posting these pieces here but I’ll have them all on display this upcoming weekend, July 7th and 8th at Garden State Comic Fest. Check out my Events page for more details. You can also check out Garden State’s own website:
I hope to see a lot of you there! This is a fun show and I’ll have lots of originals on display! Come on by!