Over on Youtube, my channel Fernando Ruiz Art is closing in on 1000 subscribers! In celebration, this week I kicked off the Big Fernando Ruiz Art 1000 Subscriber Giveaway! Unlike in my previous giveaways, this time I’m offering ONE prize to one single randomly picked winner and that prize will be a lot consisting of a number of items. The centerpiece of this lot is this page which is Page 16 from Die Kitty Die Hollywood Or Bust #3 drawn of course by me.
I’m going to talk about the other prizes but first, if you haven’t visited my channel, you can do so here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJhy56KducLyLVmPex8iJGA
I post short ten to twenty minute videos which usually consist of art lessons or simply videos of myself drawing, inking or coloring different characters and pieces. As I draw, I will talk about what I’m doing, describe my process or ramble about comics, the characters I’m drawing, and my assorted memories and experiences. I will also do the occasional comic book review and one of my favorites, the Retro Reviews… where I look at a classic comic book and not only review it but also discuss its historical relevance and any significance it may have for me personally. Among my favorite Retro Reviews are the issue by issue looks at Marvel’s X-Men starting with X-Men #1 from 1963. You can check out that video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gbc4CWns44M&t=2s
I hope you’ll check out the channel. If there’s any specific content you’d like me to add, please let me know in the Comments below. Now let’s talk about this giveaway…
Let me dig into the prizes:
- First the winner will get BOTH of my sketchbooks and both will come signed.
- Secondly, the winner will get my own personal copy of Archie Vs Predator #1 and it too will be autographed.
- Third, the winner will receive a blank sketch cover variant of Die Kitty Die #1 and on that cover they will get a free full color commission of a full figure of the character of their choice.
- Finally, the winner will receive the original art page from Die Kitty Die Hollywood Or Bust #3 shown above and that too is autographed.

Now the big question… How do you enter? Easy. All you have to do are FOUR simple things…
- Subscribe to Fernando Ruiz Art on Youtube.
- Follow Fernandoruizeverybody on Instagram.
- Reply “Done” to my Instagram post where I announce the giveaway.
- Repost the first frame of my Instagram announcement post with #fernandoruiz1000. It’s important that your Instagram account be public in order for me to see the repost. If your account is private, I won’t see the repost and your name will not be included in the drawing.
Here is my video where I show and describe the prizes and talk about how to enter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MobW22WmIB8&t=2s
Spread the word, Everybody! As soon as I cross 1000 subscribers, I’ll pick a winner at random in a special video. Thanks to everyone who’s supported the channel so far and has helped me get here. Let’s keep going!
Good luck, Everybody!!