Recently I posted the black and white art for this one, but here it is in all its finished glory with beautiful colors and cover graphics, my cover for the upcoming special, WOLFHARTS from Gisele Lagace’s Pixie Trix Comix.
Wolfharts features characters introduced in Pixie Trix’s Eerie Cuties and Magick Chicks series. It will be going out to supporters of Pixie Trix’s 2018 Kickstarter campaign who purchased it and it will be available to everyone on Comixology and in the Pixie Trix store later in January of 2019. You can visit the Pixie Trix store and check out all of their cool products here:
A funny and sexy story, Wolfharts was written by Dave Lumsden. I pencilled and inked. Anwar did the colors. Letters were by the great Taylor Esposito. Even if you’ve never read an Eerie Cuties or Magick Chicks story before, Wolfharts is a great jumping-on point for new readers. I hope you’ll check it out!
Now onto my next special for Pixie Trix… SPACE CAPTAIN MIYUKI!! More on that one VERY soon!
Lightspeed, Everybody!