I came across this one on the Dynamite site and it occurred to me that I haven’t posted this one in its finished state over here yet.
This is my cover to Animal Jam #3 with colors by the great Pete Pantazis who’s colored all of the covers of the series. I’m not sure when this issue will hit the stands so if you’re interested please contact your local comic shop and make sure that they order plenty of copies! I’ve talked about this before, Folks. When it comes to independent books, if you’re interested in getting them, you have to communicate with your retailers. Let them know!
You can also see upcoming releases at the Dynamite site and order items directly from their store. You can visit their site here:
In other news, I’m clearing a lot of decks this week. I’m working on the Die Kitty Die Christmas Special and more Eerie Cuties for Pixie Trix Comix. If you want to check out the very cool stable of webcomics from Pixie Trix Comix, you can do so here:
I’m also wrapping up a number of commissions that I’ll be posting here. Please keep checking back here to see them. Next week is Toronto Fan Expo. I’ll be updating my Events page this weekend so once again, please check back here!
Thanks, Everybody!