Here is a parody print of the popular cult film Army of Darkness, ARCHIE OF DARKNESS!
The crazy thing about this piece is I’ve never seen the film, Army Of Darkness. It seems I’m missing out as I’m almost universally told that I should see it. I probably will someday. It’s just been one of those movies… and there are MANY!… that have fallen between the cracks for me. I’ve seen the original 1981 Evil Dead movie and I like that one. I understand its very different in tone from the subsequent sequels. Strangely, I never hear all that much about Evil Dead II, which I’m told is a remake or reboot of sorts, but everyone always gushes over Army Of Darkness. My recent parody pieces featuring pop culture references like Back To The Future, The Predator, and Star Trek have all been very popular so I thought I’d tackle this iconic poster, which honestly seemed tailor made for the Archie cast.
I’m often asked if the is a real crossover that is happening. I certainly don’t know if anything is really in the works, but it seems like a natural project to be considered. Having said that, I haven’t been asked to participate in any sort of proposal nor do I expect to be. If it does come about, just remember where you saw this idea first! Ha!
Much of this piece must be attributed to my ever-reliable, always talented colorist, Anwar Hanano. I threw the inked piece at him, sent him a link to the original movie poster, and said, “Here! Make it look like THIS!” As always, he really came through and exceeded all expectations! My own personal favorite detail on this one is Hot Dog!
Hopefully, I’ll have a few of these prints available for the upcoming New York Comic Con! If interested, please let me know!
What do you think? Please comment below!

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