The great Anwar Hanano has colored this one now for a while but my bust schedule has kept me from posting the finished piece until now. I love the color scheme Anwar used on this one! The original for this one is a private commission which I will be coloring by hand.
Its been a very bust October so far with a super-busy New York Comic Con followed closely by the Kubert School Fall Open House. Along the way, I’ve also been very busy drawing a new Eerie Cuties story for Pixie Trix Comix whose stable of incredible webcomics can be found here:
I’ve also been busy with a very special project that I hope to be able to talk about very soon! Keep checking back here!
Well, I’m currently finishing up my latest Eerie Cuties. I’m literally finishing the pencils on the last page TODAY! Then I’ll be jumping right into the Menage A 3 zombie story for Pixie Trix. I’m looking forward to that one! I love drawing zombies! (Sorry, Archie. You really blew it on that one!) I also have a few other surprises that I’ll post about here as I go so please, as always, keep checking back here!
In Die Kitty Die news, the Die Kitty Die Hollywood Or Bust hardcovers are HERE! Dan Parent and I introduced the books at this past NYCC and they have since arrived in stores so please check with your local comic shops. I know issues #3 and 4 of the regular print issues of the series have not yet arrived but I’m told they will hit stores within the next couple of weeks. Check again with your retailers and make sure they’ve ordered plenty of copies. The new DKD HOB hardcover has been added to my store so feel free to order your copy there! This Christmas season keep your eyes peeled for the Die Kitty Die Christmas Special. That one is done and should be at the printer very, very soon. Make sure your comic shop orders that one too.
As for our very patient Kickstarter supporters, thanks for hanging in there with us. Now that we have our books, the Kickstarter packages will be going out very soon throughout October and November. Once again, thanks for your support and patience.