


I’ve been posting a lot of the sketches I’m drawing as rewards for the generous donors to our DIE KITTY DIE Kickstarter campaign. This Batgirl piece is my latest.



6 comments on “Batgirl”

    • fernando

      Thanks, Eli! Keep following me on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, and of course, here! I appreciate your comments.

  1. Dennis

    That is about as nice a drawing of the TV version of Batgirl as I’ve ever seen – one of your nicest pieces. Too bad it’s too late for variant covers on Batman ’66, as that would have made an great one. Unless they can think up a new crossover after the Green Hornet, Man From U.N.C.L.E., and Steed & Mrs. Peel.

  2. fernando

    Thanks, Dennis. Has Batman ’66 been cancelled? Why is it too late to do a variant cover? That’s a book I would’ve loved to work on!

  3. Dennis

    Hi Fernando — to answer your question, the ongoing BATMAN ’66 series ended with issue #30. Since then there has been a BATMAN ’66 MEETS THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. miniseries and a BATMAN ’66 MEETS STEED AND MRS. PEEL miniseries, but no announcements as to any followup crossovers. The next crossover miniseries slated is a WONDER WOMAN ’77 MEETS THE BIONIC WOMAN miniseries, co-published with Dynamite.

    • fernando

      That’s too bad about Batman ’66. These days it seems that nothing can hang in there for long runs anymore. Of course I say this not having done my part as I only bought the series sporadically. That’s how I buy most of my comics these days even though I maintain a box at my regular shop, the great Dewey’s Comic City in Madison, New Jersey. I guess a number of mini-series do better than a regular monthly and certainly these mash-ups seem to be popular. Archie Vs Predator, after all, did very well. I hear they are going to do another. (Unfortunately the relationship between Archie and myself is so toxic there is no way I would be asked to draw it but that’s a whole other discussion…) The Wonder Woman Meets The Bionic Woman book sounds interesting. I’ll give that a shot. Thanks for the info, Dennis!

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