This is a private commission of Brainiac 5 of DC Comics’ The Legion of Super-Heroes. This was a particularly fun one as the Legion have long been personal favorites of mine. The buyer gave me the choice of any Legionnaire in any costume. I bypassed favorites like Lightning Lad in his Dave Cockrum costume and Mon-El in his original outfit in favor of Brainy in his original look. Like most of his fellow Legionnaires, Brainy has not been treated well by contemporary artists. His best look remains his original. Although in researching him for this piece, I discovered that his uniform from the 90’s designed by the incredibly underrated Chris Sprouse was a very acceptable update.
It’s a shame the Legion can’t seem to get any traction in recent years. It has a beautifully rich mythology. Unfortunately, modern writers can’t resist peeing in the beautiful pool that is the Legion’s premise.