I’m very happy to present this one! I know I say this about every piece that my colorist, the talented Anwar Hanano, colors for me, but I think this is his best job yet! He brought a lot of vibrant drama to this piece and I’m thrilled to see it as the cover to DIE KITTY DIE #3. It also didn’t occur to me until after I drew it, but this might be my very first bondage cover! I hope you dig it, you fetishists!
Dan Parent and I are in the home stretch right now. We are literally a couple of pages away from completing ALL of the content for our Die Kitty Die miniseries. Don’t forget you can STILL pre-order copies of the deluxe hardcover from the fernandoruizeverybody.com store:
If things continue as planned, Dan and I may have some very exciting Die Kitty Die news very, very soon! Keep checking back here!