Here I’m test driving the new DIE KITTY DIE blank sketch covers. I’m very happy with the quality of the paper which can often times be very iffy on these sketch covers. Thanks go out to Fadi and Keith of Chapterhouse Comics for getting these for us. If anyone is interested in a Die Kitty Die blank sketch cover commission, please just let me know! You know me! I’ll draw anything!
This of course is Kitty as Margot Robbie’s Harley Quinn in the recent Suicide Squad movie. I can’t really speak about the movie since I haven’t seen it. The previews I will say make it seem like its not my type of movie. Its a shame because I’ve always loved the Suicide Squad concept and I believe there COULD be a good movie there if only Hollywood weren’t interested in putting their own stamp on existing properties. I certainly prefer the classic Bruce Timm Harley design… and what a waste of the perfectly cast Margot Robbie that we didn’t get her in that look… but I did think borrowing this gritty, hard ridden look for Kitty would be fun and eye-catching. What do you think?

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