Die Kitty Die Heaven & Hell #4 Cover


Ruh-Roh! Some of you might notice something oddly familiar about my cover art, shown here in the pencil stage, for my cover to Die Kitty Die Heaven & Hell #4! I hope you dig this one. Inks will be added by me and then its off to Anwar for his beautiful coloring. I think he’ll do an especially great job on this one. I can’t wait to see it!


We’re in the home stretch now! This is to say I’m currently in the middle of writing and drawing DKD H&H #4 right now! This means we’re almost done with our third installment of the Die Kitty Die series. Next month on May 5th, which is Free Comic Book Day, Dan Parent and I are planning on launching our latest Kickstarter campaign to help fund this series. We have lots of surprises planned as part of this campaign so please stay tuned right here for the latest info!

And speaking of Kickstarters, my pal and frequent collaborator, Gisele Lagace of Pixie Trix Comix has just launched her latest Kickstarter campaign to fund Volume 9 in her incredibly awesome, Menage A 3 series. Check out her campaign and please lend your support if you can. Gisele and I have been talking about a couple of surprises that we could do as part of this campaign so please pledge your support and lets make this happen!



What say you about this cover? We’ve now seen Kitty as Samantha Stevens from Bewitched and as Daphne from Scooby-Doo. Who else’s shoes should Kitty step into next? Please let me know in the Comments section below!

Thanks, Everybody!





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