Well, it’s been an unforgivable amount of time since my last post here at Fernandoruizeverybody.com, but it has been an extremely packed October!
First and most importantly, Dan Parent and I have launched our newest Die Kitty Die Kickstarter campaign. This one is titled DIE KITTY DIE HOLLYWOOD OR BUST, my cover of which is pictured above. We’re following the same model we used with our first book where we are funding four individual issues which will be released digitally first and then collected into a hardcover trade. Later, Chapterhouse Comics will publish and distribute print copies of the individual issues. We launched the Kickstarter on the first day of this year’s New York Comic Con, which I’ll discuss more about later. I wish I’d been able to discuss and promote the campaign more on this site as we went along, but there simply was not enough time. Fortunately, the decks are clearing a little now so I should have the time for more regular updates going forward.
Regarding the DKD Kickstarter, as of this writing, we’re down to the final forty-eight hours! Fortunately, we reached our initial goal very quickly. We did so in a little over a week which was more or less on par with what we did last year. We’ve reached a number of stretch goals such as the hardcover, a bonus story by our pal, Gisele Lagace, and both a Summer and Christmas Special. Our next stretch goal is set at fifty thousand and its for Die Kitty Die bookmarks. As I just posted on Facebook, with all the reading I do, I love a nice bookmark so I’m looking forward to these!
If you’d like to visit the Die Kitty Die Hollywood Or Bust Kickstarter page, you may do so here:
Any and all support is deeply appreciated!
Back to my October activities, the Kickstarter campaign, of course, demands a lot of work, time and attention. Too often I’ve seen bad campaigns fail because the person launching the campaign treats it like a tin cup they’re putting out and expect people to come by and fill with cash. Most Kickstarters don’t seem to work that way. A robust Kickstarter needs to be worked and stoked in order to generate pledges, visibility and activity. All this takes time and I’m fortunate to be paired with the diligent, hard-working Dan Parent who works our campaign like a champ. Our campaign also demands a fair amount of art. I’ll be posting the pieces I’ve come up with here in the upcoming days. Please keep coming back and stay tuned!
Aside from the Kickstarter, October also found as at this year’s New York Comic Con which from what I heard drew 180,000 attendees. I was certainly busy steadily all four days. Dan and I had our usual Die Kitty Die table and this year our neighbor was our pal, Gisele Lagace which made for a more fun weekend. Gisele, having just drawn ARCHIE MEETS RAMONES, was a hit and a popular draw. Speaking of Archie, I had my very first conversation with Archie Comics president, my former student, Mike Pellerito. It’s safe to say that the conversation really went no where. Pellerito was entrenched in his viewpoint and shockingly, he even suggested that I should apologize to Jon Goldwater. As you might imagine, my skepticism really just exploded after that one! I guess I could say, “I’m sorry you so stupidly fired me.”
Workwise, it’s been a very packed October. I finished a story that I wrote and drew for Dynamite’s BOO: The World’s Cutest Dog #3. It was a very unusual story written and drawn in a style similar to the Diary Of A Wimpy Kid books. Please check it out. It’s a very different work. I’ll post pages from it here as soon as I’m able. I also worked on another project for Dynamite that I’m not sure if I’m able to discuss or not so I won’t do so just yet. On top of those projects, I’ve done a number of private jobs and personal commissions that I’ll also be posting here in the coming days.
In addition to NYCC, I also fit in a trip to the Virginia Comic Con in Richmond, Virginia. To my shame, I never had the time to post that one on my Events page. It was a very nice show attended by a lot of gracious friendly fans. Unfortunately, it is a long horrible drive to Virginia from my home here in new Jersey. The ol’ Mapquest likes to claim its only a six hour drive but Baltimore and Washington DC are traffic nightmares. The drive down and the drive back was each about ten hours. To make things worse, we drove back directly from the show on Sunday afternoon and raced so I could hopefully get back at a decent hour because I was teaching the next day. It was a very, very long drive. I plan on catching up on that sleep sooner or later.
Looking ahead, I’ve got two more conventions ahead this very month and that should wrap up the 2016 Die Kitty Die World Tour. I’ll post those shows on my Events page later this week. I’m already lining up dates for 2017. I’ve got a lot of artwork to keep posting so please keep checking back here and comment below. I love responding.