At last it can be revealed! Here is the gorgeous art for the Die Kitty Die Hollywood Or Bust hardcover courtesy of the talented Glen Hanson. To say the least, my Kitty collaborator, Dan Parent, and I are very happy with it and proud to have it on this year’s Kitty hardcover.
I know its been a while since I’ve posted here but that should always give you an indication of what I’m up to. Its been a busy period at the ol’ drawing table this month. First off, work continues on Die Kitty Die! We’re finishing up DKD HOB #3 and at the same time we’ve started working on the Die Kitty Die Summer Special! Here’s a reminder of my cover for that very special book:
Don’t forget that Die Kitty Die Hollywood Or Bust #’s 1 and 2 are available for digital download from Check it out here:
The FIRST Die Kitty Die hardcover is still available for order at our store. Check it out here:
Over in Dynamite Comics news, I’m still at work on Animal Jam. I’ve wrapped up the cover to Animal Jam #2 and I’ll be posting that shortly. Here’s my cover to Animal Jam #1:
Don’t forget to visit your local comics retailer on May 6 for Free Comic Book Day and pick up the Animal Jam Free Comic Book Day Special. I’ll be posting this in my Events section but as usual, I’ll be signing and drawing free sketches at the great Dewey’s Comic City in Madison, NJ. Learn more about Dewey’s here:
In other Dynamite Comics news, I’ve been drawing covers for the upcoming Grumpy Cat Vs Garfield miniseries! I’ll post those as soon as I’m cleared to. Keep checking back here!
In other news regarding upcoming Events, Dan Parent and I will both be at Chicago’s C2E2 this April. We’ll be joined by our talented pal, Gisele Lagace, who’s been tearing through the comic book world with her work on Jem for IDW and her variant covers for Marvel Comics. I’ll be adding this appearance to my Events page soon too. Keep checking!
Thanks for hanging in there, Everybody! I hope to post a little more regularly going forward. Keep checking back here and don’t forget to add to the comments below!