I know it’s been a while!
Things have been busy and hectic since my last post! I was on vacation in mid-August. It wasn’t entirely work free as I got a number of our Die Kitty Die Kickstarter sketches done. Not long after I got home from that trip, Dan Parent and I hit the road for Toronto for the great Fan Expo Canada. When we got back, the very next day I started the new school year at the Kubert School, my twenty-first year as a teacher there. It’s always an exciting but busy time.
Recently I’ve been busy with a number of projects. First, I’ve been writing and drawing a couple of issues of BOO THE WORLD’S CUTEST DOG for Dynamite Comics. I think I’ve already talked about my story for BOO #1 which is out on sale as I write this. I don’t think however I’ve mentioned that I’m also doing a story for BOO #3. That I’m finishing up as I write this too. I’ve enjoyed working on Boo and I hope for the opportunity to do more. I’m also working on another project for Dynamite that is pretty interesting and even exciting. It’s absolutely right up my alley but its something I’ve never done before. I’m not at liberty to discuss it openly yet but when I am you can be sure I’ll talk about it here and post originals as quickly as I can.
Throughout these two Dynamite projects… as well as a handful of private commissions… Dan Parent and I have been busy mailing out books to all of our Kickstarter supporters. We’re a two-man operation …with help from our families… so we appreciate everyone bearing with us. At long last, the last few remaining packages will be going out soon. Thanks, Everyone, for your support.
Speaking of DIE KITTY DIE, Dan and I are hard at work putting together the script and art for our next campaign which will be kicking off this OCTOBER! We hope everyone who enjoyed the first book will be back to help make the second book, titled DIE KITTY DIE: HOLLYWOOD OR BUST, even better! Please stay tuned and keep checking back here for more announcements and sneak peeks!
Today I’m posting the cover art for the exclusive New York Comic Convention variant cover of DIE KITTY DIE #1. Dan and I will have a limited number of these for sale at our tables at New York Comic Con. Please come on by and get a copy or two. We’ll of course be happy to sign them. We’ll also be there with our great friend, Gisele Lagace, who also contributed a story to our book. This cover was penciled by Dan and inked by me. The great Anwar Hanano provided the beautiful coloring and letters.
Speaking of Gisele, I’m very, very close to finishing my latest story for her Eerie Cuties webcomics. I can’t wait to see this one in color!
I think that may be all of the important stuff I’ve got to post. I’m going to try to get back on a semi-regular schedule particularly since I’m going to have lots of Kitty artwork to post very soon. Keep checking back and as always please comment below!