Here’s a sneak preview from the FIRST ISSUE of DIE KITTY DIE! What is shocking Kitty so much? Pick up Die Kitty Die and find out! DKD will be available as PDF’s this Spring and as a beautiful hardcover collection this Summer! Please keep checking back here for the latest updates!
It looks like the pencils are all done for the first issue of DKD. Everything is now in the hands of our inker, the talented Rich Koslowski or our letterer, the lettering legend, Janice Chiang. Coloring by the versatile Glenn Whitmore will be commencing very soon. We’re all on track! Now onto Issue #2!
In other news, Astrocomix is an official entity owned by Dan Parent and myself. It’s for real, Folks! We’re now a real honest-to-God comic book publisher! I can’t say enough how great it is to start something like this. It certainly would not be possible without all the great and loyal people who supported us throughout our Kickstarter campaign. Thanks once again!

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