We may have introduced the DIE KITTY DIE Deluxe Hardcover at San Diego Comic Con last month but the 2016 Die Kitty Die World Tour just keeps on rolling! Dan Parent has a few stops in August but our next stop together will be at one of our all-time favorite shows out of the whole year, Toronto Fan Expo, in September 1st thru the 4th. You can read the details about this one over on my Events page…
In honor of Die Kitty Die’s amazing debut, Dan and I are introducing an exclusive variant edition of Die Kitty Die #1 featuring an all-new variant cover with a Toronto theme exclusive to this edition. Check it out above.
This one is a true collaboration as I pencilled it, Dan inked, and we called upon the talented Anwar Hanano to add colors. Anwar once again did a stellar job and in record time! This one was done under the gun since Fan Expo is only weeks away! We hope to see a lot of friends as usual at Fan Expo. It truly is one of the most fun shows that we do throughout the year. It is a real pleasure. A big part of it for us are all the friends we have made who come out to see us every year. We look forward to seeing them. Check out the cover above. Start making planes to attend Toronto Fan Expo next month and make sure you get a copy. We’ll be happy to sign it for you.

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