I’ve previously posted art from stories that I’ve drawn for my pal, Gisele Legace’s line of webcomics, Pixie Trix Comix. Specifically, I’ve drawn for their Eerie Cuties and Magick Chicks webcomics. Pixie Trix publishes some of the best webcomics out there and I highly recommend them. Please check them out here:
Currently, Pixie Trix is in the midst of one of their highly successful Kickstarter campaigns. The goal for this campaign is to fund the ninth trade volume collecting their popular Menage A 3 webcomics. The campaign has been rolling along like gangbusters! One of the stretch goals that has already been met is for a brand new 48 page comic collecting the Eerie Cuties and Magick Chicks stories drawn by myself and my Die Kitty Die cohort, Dan Parent. The cover art shown above will be the cover of that volume. I did the pencilling and the inking and currently, this black and white art is in the very talented hands of Anwar Hanano for his incredible colors. Please check out Pixie Trix’s Kickstarter campaign and support them if you can:
The Eerie Cuties / Magick Chicks collection may have been funded but there are still lots of cool stretch goals that need your support to happen. Of note, check out the Space Captain Miyuki and the S.S.S. (Space Sex Squad!) 32 page full color one shot. Just like last year’s popular Menage A Zombies one shot, if this one happens, it will be written by writer Dave Lumsden, drawn by me, with colors by Anwar Hanano and letters by Taylor Esposito. Hot chicks in space?! I’m in! This one looks like its going to be a real blast so please let’s help make it happen!
And speaking of Kickstarter… don’t forget the next Die Kitty Die Kickstarter campaign for the THIRD DKD adventure, DIE KITTY DIE HEAVEN & HELL, kicking off this May 5th on Free Comic Book Day! I’ll be posting more art and info for this one as we get closer to it so please keep checking back here!
Thanks, Everybody!