A while ago, I posted the black and white art to my cover to the upcoming Grumpy Cat/ Garfield #1. Happily, I can now post the finished cover complete with colors and the final cover dress. Today Bleedingcool.com posted on article on the limited series crossover written by the legendary Mark Evanier and drawn by Steve Uy. The miniseries will run three issues and feature multiple variant covers. I’ll be supplying covers for all three issues. In fact I just delivered the final art for the third issue this morning!
You can read the article and check out the alternate covers here:
In other news, I’m wrapping up work on Animal Jam #3, the final issue of that mini-series. I’m looking forward to seeing Issues # 2 and 3 in print as well as the upcoming hardcover collection. I’m also knee-deep in a Eerie Cuties story for Gisele Lagace’s Pixie Trix Comix. Gisele’s current Kickstarter campaign for the latest print edition of her popular webcomic Menage A 3 is still ongoing and as of this posting in its final two days. She’s been able to reach her goal plus a lot of fun stretch goals. One of those goals is a thirty-two page one shot zombie story featuring her Menage A 3 characters. This one shot will have a story written by her and Pixie Trix writer, Dave Lumsden, and will feature artwork by me. I’ve already posted a splash illustration which might just be the cover to this cool one shot. Check out the splash here:
I’m looking forward to jumping into this one! To help out the Kickstarter, you can do so here:
Keep checking back here for more news and more art. I’ve got a few more appearances and conventions to post on the Events page so please keep checking in!
Thanks, Everybody!