Happy New Year, Everybody!
The colors on this one scanned a little lighter than they are on the actual piece. This is another original piece of art for one of our supporters of the 2017 Die Kitty Die Hollywood Or Bust Kickstarter campaign. Packages are still going out all the time, Folks so I ask for your patience to please hang in there while we get everything out to you. You guys have been great and as I’ve been saying in a lot of these posts, we really couldn’t do it without you. Thank you!
On the drawing board now…
Right now I’m in the middle of drawing the Menage A 3 Zombie Special for my pal, Gisele Lagace’s Pixie Trix Comix. This has been a lot of fun. The story is written by regular MA3 writer, Dave Lumsdon, I’m doing the pencils and inks, and colors will be by Anwar Hanano. I can’t wait to hold the finished product in my hands, but at the same time, I’m enjoying drawing these characters so I sort of don’t want the gig to end! Hopefully we’ll do more of these specials and maybe more Eerie Cuties stories. Those are a blast! Here is a little peek at one of the panels from the MA3 Zombie Special:
As always, I hope if you haven’t, that you’ll check out Menage A 3 and all of the other great webcomics that Pixie Trix offers:
In Die Kitty Die news… Dan Parent and I are wrapping up work on the 2018 Die Kitty Die “I Love You To Death” Free Comic Book Day Special. This will, of course, be made available for FREE on Free Comic Book Day at comic book shops everywhere. Make sure your local comic shop orders plenty of copies. If you’ve never read Die Kitty Die before, then this will be a great jumping on point. If you have read the previous two books, this will fit in perfectly right in between last year’s Die Kitty Die Hollywood Or Bust and this year’s upcoming Die Kitty Die Heaven & Hell. Here’s the cover to our FCBD special:
This was done by both Dan Parent and myself with Dan doing the colors and setting up all of the cover graphics.
I’ve got a few more private commissions on the table. I’ll certainly post those as I wrap them up. Plus, there’s another gig coming my way that I’ll talk about once I’ve started on it and I’m working on a very cool pitch with my writer on Dynamite’s Animal Jam, the great Eric Esquivel. I can’t wait to move this one further along! Eric is the brains behind this one and its a beautiful concept! I’m also still drawing more illustrations for a children’s book I’ve been working on. Here’s a peek at that one:
And of course, Dan and I are jumping on Die Kitty Die Heaven & Hell very, very soon.
2018 is going to be an explosive year for DKD! Stay tuned!
Happy New Year, Everybody!