Page 1 of my latest story for the popular webcomic, Eerie Cuties, from Gisele Lagace’s incredible Pixie Trix Comix is up today. This is a six page story that begins today and will be updated every couple of days so keep checking back with Pixie Trix Comix to follow the story. Pictured here is my black and white art. Colors are added by my Die Kitty Die colorist, the great Glenn Whitmore. The lettering is done by the prolific Taylor Esposito. I’ve know Taylor for a while now but this marks the first time we’ve worked together. You can enjoy the finished page here:
This was a fun story written by the twisted but funny David Lumsden. Make sure you hang in there with this one all the way through. The ending is a funny, surprising twist!
Last week, I received another script for Eerie Cuties and I’ll be jumping on that one this week. Keep checking back here for more updates and news on my latest projects!
Thanks, Everybody!