Minions movie madness continues with Cine-minions, a whole new page here at devoted to these fun mash-ups between everybody’s favorite little yellow guys and the great flicks of movie history! I hope you’ll come back here frequently and check on my latest homages. Here we have my most recent piece, Minions Of The Lost Ark, which of course is a send-up of one of my favorite action movies of all time, Raiders Of The Lost Ark… which contains one of my favorite action scenes of all time, that infamous truck scene. You all know what I’m talking about!
At any rate, I took a little bit of a different track with this one. Instead of coloring this one myself with my trusty Copic markers, I turned this one over to the great, ever-reliable Anwar Hanano, who’s colored many of the pieces you see displayed here on my site. As usual, Anwar delivered a stellar job. I’ve started coloring the original myself with my usual Copics. I actually started it as part of a coloring demo in my Basic Drawing class at the Kubert School, but once again, I’m caught in a busy period so I knew I wouldn’t be able to finish this one in a timely manner. Fortunately, I can always count on Anwar!
I’ve got a few more of these minion mash-ups on the drawing board, so once again, keep checking back here to see what’s new!
Part of the reason for my current business is that I’ve jumped into the commissions requested as rewards by certain contributors to our most recent Die Kitty Die Kickstarter campaign. If you’ve been following me on Facebook or Instagram, you’ve probably already have seen a few of these pieces in progress. Once I finish them off, I’ll be posting them here so please keep checking back here. The list of requests is once again very varied and loaded with a few characters I never drew before! I hope you’ll like them.
Speaking of Die Kitty Die, Dan Parent and I have posted the fourth issue of Die Kitty Die Hollywood Or Bust to Our Kickstarter supporters have received their codes to be able to download their digital copy. If you missed our Kickstarter campaign and still want to get your own copy, you can purchase the digital download here:
If you’ve missed any issue of Die Kitty Die, everything Kitty is available there so jump in and catch up! We always love hearing from new fans who’ve just discovered Kitty! Please keep checking back here for more Kitty news! If you have read DKD HOB #4, then you know we’ve already teased our next Die Kitty Die epic, Die Kitty Die Heaven & Hell. If you’ve read DKD HOB #4, then you know exactly why this next series is so relevant! That’s all I’ll say though. No spoilers! I will add that once again, Dan Parent and I will be holding another Die Kitty Die Kickstarter in order to fund our next arc. We’re working out the details now, but you’ll definitely hear from me right here when we actually launch the campaign. We hope we can count on everyone’s support to make Kitty happen once again!
In convention news, the next stop for the Die Kitty Die Hollywood Or Bust World Tour will be San Diego Comic Con! I still need to post that one to my Events page but rest assured, Dan Parent and I will both be there. Sadly, I had to miss the recent Montreal Comic Con. This was a real heartbreak for me. Dan Parent was there as was our pal, Gisele Lagace. Plus our Die Kitty Die publisher, Chapterhouse Publishing, had a very significant presence there as they featured our new chief creative officer, the famous Jay Baruchel! He’s become a very vocal cheerleader for Chapterhouse and their whole line of books. We can’t wait for the greatness up ahead!
On a sad personal note, I’d like to mention the passing of one of my most profound and earliest artistic influences, Judith Croce. Judith was the head of the art department at Caldwell College (now Caldwell University) and she was my teacher in many of the classes I took as a Fine Arts major there. I also worked for Judith as her office assistant for a couple of years. Judith was an extremely talented and creative artist and a very passionate teacher who loved high positive energy and enthusiasm. I considered her one of the best teachers I’ve been fortunate enough to study under. She was very much a mentor and later a personal friend. If you follow me on Facebook, you probably read my post about her there. The response was very touching. A lot of my friends, students and colleagues had a lot of very kind, beautiful things to say about both of us. If you’d like to read that post, please find it here:
I’m going to miss Judith. As we get older, its only natural to lose those who came before us. I think this loss is going to hit me as a little unbelievable every time I’ll think of her.