It’s that time of year again, Everybody! No. I’m not talking about the end of the year. I’m talking about that time of year when my fellow Die Kitty Die co-creator, Dan Parent, and I have to pack and ship out our reward packages for all of our supporters of our 2017 Die Kitty Die Hollywood Or Bust Kickstarter campaign.
We’ve sent out a bunch of packages already. Now we’re at the point of fulfilling the rewards that requested some sort of original art. I’ve got a few private sketches to draw but there are also a number of personally requested sketch cards featuring everybody’s favorite Die Kitty Die characters like breakout star, Dippy The Dead Kid, seen above. Here are a few more cards. These feature Kitty herself…
There are more new pieces I’m working on for this batch of rewards packages. Of course I’ll be posting them here as I complete them. Please keep checking back here.
As always, thanks to all of our very generous Kickstarter supporters out there. You guys really make Die Kitty Die possible! And if you’re waiting for your package, please hang in there! They’re on their way!
Thanks, Everybody!