Whew! It’s been a few days! This time my unavoidable absence from these pages was due to a computer issue that made it impossible for me to access my own site. Fortunately, my chief engineer and good friend, Gregg Delcurla, who is also the architect of this whole site, was able to correct the problem and now we’re good to go! I’d originally written this post a few days ago when the problem surfaced and made it impossible for me to publish it. Fortunately, I saved it and now here it is…
Here are my pencils for the first page to “One Boo Over The Cuckoo’s Nest,” a story I wrote and drew for Dynamite’s BOO: THE WORLD’S CUTEST DOG #1.
I later added the inks myself. Colors were by Maria Victoria Robado and lettering was done by Tom Napolitano. As of this writing, BOO #1 is on sale and should be available at most comic book shops. Its also available through Dynamite’s website which you can check here:
Checking the Dynamite site, I see that BOO: THE WORLD’S CUTEST DOG #3 is available for pre-order. That issue features the second Boo story I wrote and drew. I’ll post some art for that story once that issue hits the stands. It’s a pretty unique format. You can pre-order BOO #3 here:
Please let me know what you think of my work on Boo! Hopefully, you’ll find it… “BOO-TIFUL!”
Get it?
PS. Since I first wrote this post a few days ago, I’ve since confirmed that I will be appearing this Sunday, October 2nd at NYC’s legendary St. Mark’s Comics from 2pm to 4pm to sign copies of BOO #1. All proceeds will benefit the animal shelter, Animal Haven. For more details, check out my Events page:
Thanks for hanging in there with me! Please keep checking back here. I’ve got BIG Die Kitty Die news to post in the next few days!