I posted my pencils for this piece earlier, but now here is the fully colored final version of my cover to the upcoming SPACE CAPTAIN MIYUKI one shot being published by Gisele Lagace’s Pixie Trix Comix. The inking is by the talented Saiful Remy Mokhtar and the coloring is by the great as usual, Anwar Hanano. The book is written by Pixie Trix scribe, David Lumsdon.
As I’ve mentioned earlier, this special was one of a number of one shots offered by Pixie Trim during their 2018 Kickstarter campaign. Contributors who picked up the books as a reward will be getting them, but Pixie Trix will be offering these specials to everyone via Comixology and their store on their own website. You can visit their store and check out their amazing stable of cool webcomics here:
In addition to Space Captain Miyuki, I also recently illustrated Wolfharts, another Kickstarter-funded special which should be available very soon from Pixie Trix.
Here are my pencils for the Space Captain Miyuki cover:
All work on this issue has been completed from my end which means the pencils are finished. From what I’ve seen the inking and coloring are almost done too if not completely done as of this writing. This means this book is coming very soon, Folks! Keep watching!
More will be coming soon. Please keep checking back here for the latest on my most recent projects and upcoming appearances. My convention schedule for the 2019 convention season is stabilizing so I’ll be adding to my Events page very soon. Please keep tuning in, Everybody!