Well, I wish I could say more about this one!
Here’s a piece from a pretty extensive project I was involved with. While the project has been announced… sort of (It is on Amazon already!) My participation in this one has not been officially disclosed so I’m not going to say much about it right now. The tricky part here is that its not known when the final project will be released. The date on the Amazon pre-order page has been changed a few times so I’m not going by that. There’s also a possibility that the project might NEVER come out! Its a slim possibility since most of the time in publishing once work has been completed and paid for, it does get released in some form somewhere so I’m pretty sure this WILL come out. There’s always that chance that the project will get shelved indefinitely but I’m pretty sure this will come out. As for when and where, I have no idea. I hope it comes out in the near future… or at least gets announced more concretely… because I’m pretty excited to talk about it.
For now, I hope everyone will enjoy my spider-tank. It’s my own design. What do you think?
I hate being so mysterious about a project but this is all I can say right now. I might drip out a few more pieces from this one from time to time so please keep checking back here.
In other news…
Work on Die Kitty Die Hollywood Or Bust is DONE! The files are all in the hands of our publisher, Chapterhouse Publishing so once they’re done doing what they do to the files, its off to the printer! Right now, we’re hoping to have hard physical copies of the hardcover by the end of August. This means our Kickstarter supporters will start receiving their packages in late August and throughout September.
In the meantime, as I announced earlier this week, my fellow Die Kitty Die creator and I will be appearing this Saturday at the great Dewey’s Comic City in Madison, NJ for their great Die Kitty Die Summer Vacation Special Beach Party! We’ll be their from 1pm thru 3pm. Please check my Events page for more details! It’ll be a blast!
Right now, I’m working on a new story for the Pixie Trix Comix stable of webcomics. The last story I did, Kids Slay The Darned Things, is going up now. The second page went up yesterday. New pages are added every couple of days. You can see the latest page here:
Keep checking back there for the rest of the story!
What do you think of my Spider-Tank? What else would you like to see me draw? Please let me know in the comments below!
Thanks, Everybody!