Another sketch request from our 2015 DIE KITTY DIE Kickstarter campaign, this one is of Samantha Smythe, the pretty blonde girlfriend of Bingo Wilkin. Bingo is the title star of the Archie Comics series THAT WILKIN BOY. Samantha’s attire, the T-shirt and the word on the T-shirt were all as per the commissioner’s requests.
I didn’t read a lot of That Wilkin Boy as a kid. It was one of those features like Superduck and Cosmo The Merry Martian that popped up in Laugh Digest and the other more anthology oriented books. Whenever I did come across a Bingo story though I did enjoy them. I enjoyed them much more later as an adult when I was more able to appreciate the subtext and the social commentary of That Wilkin Boy and how it was a response to its inspiration, the popular 1970’s TV series All In The Family. There is …believe it or not… a lot of raciness and sophistication to That Wilkin Boy. So much so that there are That Wilkin Boy stories that will most likely never be reprinted again in a conventional digest! Hopefully they’ll see the light of day in some other format.

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