DC Comics SUPERGIRL color sketch

4 comments on “DC Comics SUPERGIRL color sketch”

  1. Dennis

    I always liked that costume. Too bad it had such a brief history, and they never brought it back in later attempts at giving her another series. (Really, what’s the difference between hot pants and superhero trunks, anyway?) Good job!

  2. Gail

    This is and always be the true Supergirl! Beautiful work as few ever draw her in this uniform anymore. I’mguessing your close to my age and remember the original girl of steel.
    Thanks for the memories!!!

    • fernando

      I was a kid in the late 70’s and early 80’s when I was doing most of my earliest comic book reading. This is the look that Supergirl was wearing at the time so that’s probably why this one has stuck with me the most. Kara’s worn MANY designs over the years but the only ones I ever felt really suited her were her original Silver Age look and this “hot pants” design… which is actually a little more timeless than people give it credit for. There have been one or two other looks I haven’t minded but like most comic book superhero designs post 1990’s, most were garish and over-designed.

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