Happy New Year, Everybody!
Here is my first posting of 2019… my pencils for the cover art to the upcoming special, Space Captain Miyuki, from Gisele Lagace’s Pixie Trix Comix!
Space Captain Miyuki is a thirty page original special being published by Pixie Trix Comix as a stretch goal in their 2018 Kickstarter campaign. It will be sent to supporters who ordered it through the campaign and will also be available to everyone who wants one through the Pixie Trix online store. For more of Pixie Trix’s great stable of webcomics and other products, please check them out here:
This special features the cast of Pixie Trix’s popular webcomic, Menage A 3, in a sci-fi setting that has been a blast for me to draw. Regular MA3 writer, Dave Lumsdon, is writing and I’ll be doing all of the interior pencils.
I’ve always enjoyed drawing sci-fi but I’ve have shockingly few opportunities to draw much of it. As you might imagine, I’m really enjoying this one. I hope everyone will give it a try. Please keep hanging in here with me and I’ll keep you posted with updates and the occasional sneak peak like this one:
I’ll certainly let everyone know when this will be available on Pixie Trix’s store. Pixie Trix will also be offering this one on Comixology. Stay tuned!
I’ll be posting a “drawing table” update very soon to let everyone know what I’m working on. 2019 has already had a very busy start and part of it includes wrapping up projects still on my table from 2018. Keep checking back here for more news!
Thanks, Everybody!