With the movie Spider-Man: Far From Home opening this year, this will certainly be the year of the bubble-helmeted bad guy, Mysterio. While Mysterio has always been a personal favorite of mine, I’ve always loved this guy… Electro! And it me it’s not Electro if he’s not wearing that outrageous starfish shaped mask!
This pin-up was done for my own personal portfolio. It measures 11″ x 17″ and it is drawn in pencil. I’m going to have this one on display at the upcoming Garden State Comic Fest, my next convention appearance which I still need to add to my Events page. As always, keep checking back!
I hope to have a few more of these pin-ups done for this convention season. They tend to be very popular and they’re certainly fun for me to draw. I’ve got a few more match-ups …and some mash-ups… in mind, but I’m always open to new ideas. Who would you like to see? Please let me know in the comments below!
Thanks, Everybody!