I’d posted this one in progress recently, but here is the finished piece with colors and a logo by Anwar Hanano. Here is the original movie poster from The Breakfast Club which inspired it:
Its been a while since I’ve posted. Once again, I’ve fallen into one of my busy periods so here is an update on what’s been going on…
The school year has resumed at the Kubert School and I’ve started my twenty-second year as an instructor there. As usual, there’s a lot to do at the start of the school year so that’s kept me from posting much over the past couple of weeks. As far as comic and art projects go, I’ve had a full drawing board as usual… Thank God!
On deck, I have a great new Eerie Cuties story to draw for Pixie Trix Comix. As always, I have to recommend the great Pixie Trix stable of webcomics. You can check them out here:
Up ahead very soon is the Menage A 3 zombie special by Pixie Trix Comix. I’m very much looking forward to sinking my teeth into that one!
In Die Kitty Die news, Dan Parent and I are wrapping up the art for the Die Kitty Die Christmas Special. I hope to be posting previews of that one very soon. As for the Die Kitty Die Hollywood Or Bust hardcovers and Die Kitty Die Hollywood Or Bust #3, we’ve had a few unfortunate issues come up that have delayed us, but at long last, as I type this, the DKD HOB hardcover is currently at the printer. We’re hoping to have our copies in hand by October. This means our Kickstarter supporters will be receiving their packages throughout October and November. As always, we appreciate everyone’s patience. Thanks for hanging in there with us, Everyone. We’re also told that the print edition of DKD HOB #3 will be in stores by the end of September. Please keep an eye and an ear out and communicate with your local comic shops! These delays can be very harmful to a young independent title like DKD so let’s not let this issue fall through the cracks! You know I’ll be doing my part and hollering when I find out exactly when #3 will be on the stands! Please keep checking back here!
Regarding, our NEXT DKD project, right now Dan and I are looking to the Spring of 2018 to launch our third and latest Kickstarter campaign for our next DKD volume, Die Kitty Die Heaven & Hell! Our Kickstarter will probably go live in March, but we’ll certainly be giving updates as we firm up our plans.
Aside from my Pixie Trix and DKD work, I’ve also squeezed in a short children’s book which I hope to post pages from in an upcoming post.
I’ve also started an ultra-top secret project that I can’t discuss at all except to say that I’m drawing it. I should be able to talk about it very soon so please keep coming back here for more updates and announcements.
That’s about it for now, Folks! As always, please keep checking back here! I have a lot more pieces that I haven’t gotten around to posting so I hope to be doing that soon. Please leave any and all comments and questions below!
Thanks, Everybody!