October is going to be HUGE!
October 2016 is going to be DIE KITTY DIE Month at Chapterhouse Comics! The first issue of the regular Die Kitty Die ongoing series from Chapterhouse Comics will hit the stands with a special NEW cover by both Dan Parent and myself. I’ll post that one very soon!
Not only is DIE KITTY DIE #1 hitting the stands, but the great Chapterhouse Comics is celebrating by having Dan Parent and myself do special Halloween variant covers for their other titles. Dan is drawing covers for Northguard and Classic Captain Canuck. I did covers for The Pitiful Human Lizard (a very quirky fun super hero book everyone should be reading!) and as shown here, Captain Canuck. This cover will appear on Captain Canuck #10. The dynamic beautiful colors are by the talented Anwar Hanano. I’ll be posting my other covers very soon. Keep checking back here.
You can see all of Chapterhouse’s October solicitations at First Comics:
Please make sure your local comic book shops order plenty of copies… especially if you’re interested in our variants! Check them out and call your LCS today! In the meantime, keep checking back here. I’ll be posting the other covers and updates very soon.
As always… please comment below and share!

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