Here is a color drawing of one of my favorite characters… the Big Red Cheese himself, Captain Marvel!
I’ve posted this one in earlier stages on other social media. I pencilled it and inked it as part of a demonstration in inking for my night class at the Kubert School where I teach. I also colored it myself using Copic markers with a very little bit of Charpak markers too.
This sketch, as you can see from the black bar across the bottom of the piece was done on a brand new official Kubert School blank sketch cover. The School art store is now offering their very own blank sketch covers. The interior is blank as well. The paper is good quality Strathmore paper which seems to hold up well to inking and coloring with markers. I suspect though if I used more of my Chartpaks on this one, I’d need some sort of scrap paper to keep the marker from bleeding through to the interior pages. These blanks have a lot of possibilities. With the 2018 Comic Book Convention Season well under weigh, these books are begging to be filled with commissions from your favorite artists or as I hope to, to fill them up with your own work.
To order these, please contact the Kubert School Art Store via their website:
I’m not sure if these books are on the store’s site just yet, but you can call the store itself and order them directly. The number is on their site. Tell ’em I sent you. They’ll treat you right!
What other characters should I draw in my blank book? Please let me know in the Comments below!
Thanks, Everybody!