The Die Kitty Die Starstruck Kickstarter packages are still rolling out, Everybody!
This means I’m in the thick of turning out a lot of commissions ordered during our campaign… like these two pieces here. Each piece is on 9″ x 12″ Bristol paper and were colored with a combo of Copic and Chartpak markers.
For all things Die Kitty Die, please visit: https://www.diekittydie.com
And of course for a private commission all your own, just reach out to me at fernandoruizeverybody@gmail.com.
We’ll talk!
I’ve got more commissions to complete and post, Everybody so please keep checking back here! Don’t forget! Fan Fiction Friday and Secret Origin Saturday are coming up! Here’s a sneak peek at this week’s Secret Origin Saturday…

The mystery star of this week’s Secret Origin Saturday is COOLING his heels in the clink! Who could it be?? Feel free to post your guesses in the Comments below and be here Saturday for the Big Reveal!