Well, the 2017 Die Kitty Die Hollywood Or Bust Kickstarter campaign wrapped up early this morning. We are happy to announce that we not only achieved our initial goal of 25,000.00 but we more than doubled that with a final goal of over 50,000.00. Die Kitty Die will live on throughout 2017!
We gratefully have a lot of very loyal supporters to thank for their generous pledges. Many of them went above and beyond with numerous add-ons and even adding commissions to their pledges. A lot of these folks are more than just anonymous backers. They’ve become good friends and members of the Die Kitty Die Family! We really couldn’t do it without these guys!
Here is a pin-up I did to promote the campaign. We may include it in one of the individual issues. The pencils are mine. The inks are by the great Rich Koslowski, whom I gushed about in yesterday’s post. The vibrant colors are by Anwar Hanano, who really just keeps impressing more and more!

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