I posted the pencils to this one a couple of weeks ago and now here are my finished inks.
This was a fun one. As I mentioned when I posted the pencils, I’ve always enjoyed the Marvel Family and the cover to The Fantastic Four #12, to which this is an homage, is one of my all-time favorite covers. That aside, all of the lettering and the inking made this a piece that took a good amount of time. I have ideas for two more pieces like this with the Big Red Cheese and his kin. Hopefully I can get to them before the 2018 Comic Book Convention season begins in March. I’ve got a pretty busy drawing table but sometimes I can’t resist the urge to scribble out some of these ideas. Keep checking back here. You never know what I’m going to be posting!
In Die Kitty Die news… My end of the Die Kitty Die “I Love You To Death” Free Comic Book Day Special is done. I finished writing and pencilling my ten pages of this very special issue just yesterday. Those pages are now in the hands of our great inker Rich Koslowski and our incredible letterer, Andrew Thomas. I can’t wait to see the printed book this Free Comic Book Day, May 5th. Just today, I officially accepted the invitation to appear as I do every year at the great Dewey’s Comic City in Madison, NJ. This will be the very first Free Comic Book Day at Dewey’s under the management of new owner, my former student and editor at Dynamite Comics, Anthony Marques. I’m looking forward to it! Of course I’ll be adding the details to my Events page when we get closer to the date.
Still on my art table is the Menage A 3 Zombie Special for Pixie Trix Comix. This has been a fun one and I can’t wait to be able to post pages from it. For now, here’s one little peek…
The End!