Here is my first page of a Tiffany Winters story for Pixie Trix Comix. This page appears in Eerie Cuties/ Magick Chicks #4 which is available through Pixie Trix’s online store! I’m inking my own pencils here as I’ll be doing for all of my upcoming work for Pixie Trix. It’s a fun gig drawing cute girls and monsters! I’m looking forward to doing more!
You can pick up this issue here:
This comic convention season I’ll be doing a number of appearances with Pixie Trix’s Gisele Lagace, Pixie writer David Lumsdon, and my Die Kitty Die partner, Dan Parent, who also has some Pixie work in Eerie Cuties #4. Please keep checking back here for my upcoming appearances and events. I’d love to sign a few of these!

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