It’s Fan Fiction Friday, Everybody and this week we have Page 16 of my Afterlife With Archie #1 fan fic, “Reggie’s Revenge!” On this page, Reggie pulls his ultimate prank on his ol’ pal, Moose and those zombies get a little “cheeky” with Riverdale High’s star football player! Is this the last quarter for Moose? Whatever you do, you don’t want to miss next week’s page!
This page was too packed with physical action for there to be much room for the usual Easter egg planting so there’s not much material for the usual Director’s Cut Commentary other than to say that the title for this week’s page, “Reggie’s Revenge,” of course comes from a series of specials that Archie Comics produced in the early nineties. As many people know, Reggie was always a personal favorite of mine and I always wished he’d gotten a regular series of his own during my time drawing for Archie Comics. Sadly, other than occasional solo stories in the digests and I think an issue or two in Archie & Friends, Riverdale’s rascally prankster wouldn’t get his own series… or was it a mini-series…?!… until after my time there.

As of this page, we’re now down to FOUR more pages in this first issue of my Afterlife With Archie fan fiction. Thanks to everyone who’s been along for this fun ride and have been encouraging me to continue. Like I said, last week, after this issue, Fan Fiction Friday is going to focus on a totally classic short five page story celebrating Archie’s 80th Anniversary! The question now is… Do I post that story as I have been a page per week? Or do I take five weeks off and post the entire story all at once? What do you folks say? Please let me know in the comments below!
See you tomorrow, Everybody, for a truly SUPER Secret Origin Saturday! We’re on!