Here is a private commission from this past East Coast Comicon of a classic Batgirl from the 1966 Batman TV show on a blank Archie Meets Batman ’66 sketch cover. Batgirl here was drawn in pencil, inked and colored using a combo of Copic and Chartpak markers.
I made a video of myself applying the skin tones and the color to Batgirl’s hair on this piece and I posted it on my Youtube channel. If you didn’t know that I started a Youtube channel, I hope you’ll check it out. Right now there are a lot of time-lapse videos of me drawing different characters like Archie, Batman, and even a Popeye! You can check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXiCDnTSUSs
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I plan on getting more instructional with my videos so please keep checking back to my channel and of course, here, for more news, updates, and future events and appearances!
Thanks, Everybody!