Here is a book illustration I did for the short story, Sanctuary, by my friend… and Scrabble nemesis… Scott Young, a fellow graduate of the Kubert School. The story appears in Scott’s latest collection of stories, his book, Coming Into Focus. Scott is currently holding a Kickstarter campaign for his book which you can check out here:
Its great to see that Scott is almost at his goal. There is still time left! Please check out his campaign and support him if you can. If you’re so inclined, please also help him spread the word about his campaign. As a fellow Kickstarterer, I know that every bit of support …be it financial or even just helping get the word out… helps and is appreciated.
The above illustration was offered as one of the rewards in the campaign and I’m happy to say, its already been scooped up. I believe there may be some other pieces from some of Scott’s other stories in the book that are still available so please check out the link above. He’s had illustrations from great artists such as Kim DeMulder, Bela Rachlin, and others.
Best of luck to Scott and thanks, Everybody!