Everybody wants to ink the F-Man!
Last week I posted my homage to the cover of The Amazing Spider-Man Annual #3 as inked by my colleague at the Kubert School, the great Mike Sellers, who did an amazing job as you can see here:
Now Josh Maikis, one of my talented third year students at the Kubert School, has stepped up to ink my recent piece teaming up Batman and Spider-Man. As you can see above, Josh did a great job. He’s really come a long, long way from when he started at the school two years ago. He really served the page well and admittedly, it isn’t the easiest page in the World to ink. Josh, however, made us both look good which is what you always hope an inker will do for you. Here are my original pencils for comparison:
I have to point out that Josh diid not ink this page as any type of assignment. He did this on his own simply to practice his inking. The practice is paying off.
Nice job, Josh! Keep at it!