Happy Post-Thanksgiving, Everybody!
It’s been another busy month here at Fernandoruizeverybody Studios! Last month, I wrapped up work on THREE separate Halloween specials. Those specials were the DIE KITTY DIE CATHOUSE OF HORROR Halloween Special (On sale NOW!!) the Bettie Page Halloween Special (Also out there now!) and the Elvira Mistress Of The Dark Halloween Special (I believe this one is available on Comixology right now. I’m not sure about a print version…) Right on the heels of these specials, I started drawing TWO one-shot specials for Gisele Lagace’s Pixie Trix Comix. These specials were offered as stretch goals during Pixie Trix’s incredibly successful Kickstarter campaign earlier this year. You can visit Pixie Trix and their amazing stable of webcomics here:
The first of these specials that I jumped into is WOLFHARTS #1 featuring Ace Wolfhart and other characters from Pixie Trix’s popular web series, Eerie Cuties. Wolfharts is written by regular Pixie Trix writer, Dave Lumsdon, drawn by me, colored by Anwar Hanano, and lettered by Taylor Esposito. You can see my black and white line art for the cover posted above. The cover is currently off in Anwar’s hands being colored. Naturally I’ll be posting those colors here as soon as I receive them and I’m cleared to share. Stay tuned!
Wolfharts #1 features thirty pages of original story and art. The special will of course go out to the backers who supported the stretch goals during Pixie Trix Comix’s Kickstarter. Both Gisele Lagace and myself will have additional copies and we’ll be making them available at our various convention appearances next year. Stay tuned for those dates coming soon!
Well, my end of Wolfharts is done. All thirty pages have been pencilled, inked and now they’re in Anwar’s hands being colored and Taylor’s hands being lettered. As for me, I’m off onto the second Pixie Trix special I’m drawing, Space Captain Miyuki. This one will be another thirty pager and I’ll post sneak peaks as soon as I’m able. In the meantime, enjoy these little snippets posted here:
In addition to Wolfharts and Space Captain Miyuki, I’ll be penciling and inking another graphic novel that I’ll be discussing shortly. I’ve also got a bunch of private commissions to get through too and a few other things on my table. More will be posted and discussed very soon. A lot has been piling up as I worked my way through these very time-sensitive ( I know! They’re ALL time sensitive!) projects! Please as always keep coming back here and check in!
Thanks, Everybody!