Betty & Veronica as Captain Marvel & Spider-Woman
Here is a private commission featuring Archie Comics’ Betty & Veronica as Marvel Comics’ Captain Marvel and Spider-Woman. The colors are all Copic markers except for the light blue background
Here is a private commission featuring Archie Comics’ Betty & Veronica as Marvel Comics’ Captain Marvel and Spider-Woman. The colors are all Copic markers except for the light blue background
Here is a private commission ordered by my good friends Billy D’Etorre and his wife Susan D’Etorre. As a life long fan of the whole Legion of Super-Heroes mythology
This is an illustration done on an Archie #1 Blank Sketch cover. It was done for one of my graduating third year students at the Kubert School. I wish I had time
Once again its been a while since my last post. Convention season and wrapping up things on Die Kitty Die have kept me hopping. There’s lots of news to report
I’m VERY excited to report that there’s going to be a WONDER-ful DIE KITTY DIE announcement very early this week. Please keep checking back here as I’ll be relaying the news as
Archie-fy yourself! One of my most common commission requests is for people to be drawn with Archie characters or as Archie characters themselves. The original piece measures 10″ x 15.”
Here is a promo page for this very site that was included in Die Kitty Die #1. This page was originally intended as the cover for a sketch book that
Here we see another idea that went nowhere. The Archie lottery tickets. There isn’t much to say about this pretty bizarre idea. The time was around the late 2000’s. It
—Here is a cover sketch for my proposed storyline where long-time high school student, Archie Andrews finally graduates from Riverdale High! Around 2009, Archie Comics was undergoing some pretty heavy
Here is a commission piece featuring Reggie on a blank Archie #1 sketch cover. The buyer requested that I go by a specific image of Reggie taken from one panel